關於百略 microlife
About Microlife
Empowering people
Microlife is the world’s leading manufacturer of thermometers. The company is also one of the world market leaders in the development and production of medical diagnostic equipment - for use at home and in health facilities. Blood pressure monitors, digital thermometers, asthma measuring devices and flexible heat pads are some of our core products.
Our vision
Our products and services are designed to enable people to monitor and improve their own health. We have continued on this path: our products are free from environmentally harmful substances.
«In the future, we want to continue working together to do what we do best:
Producing strong solutions for people. A long life.» -
Our guiding principle
Quality of life is measurable – for children and adults. We know this. Our devices provide you with the information needed for your health. So you can remain independent and optimise your lifestyle.
Our products
Our medical devices are approved for hospital use and guarantee the highest level of safety. They are robust and user-friendly. Whether it’s fever, blood pressure, asthma, weight management or flexible heat pads, our technology offers precise and reliable solutions.
Our focus: Home diagnostics
We supply everything you need to analyse your condition at home. People want to take responsibility for themselves. We support you in this. This is our future. And to make sure you can have a good future, our ethical and cultural views are a particular concern.
Our Development History
From a small business to one of the world's most important manufacturers of blood pressure monitors and thermometers.
Microlife began in 1981, when the founder developed a digital thermometer in the laboratory, which motivated us to conduct continuous research in the field of diagnostic equipment.
Microlife 40 years review
“As we celebrate our 40 years anniversary, we will continue to stay true to our core values to adhere to a clinical based approach to develop new medical technology that will empower customers in matters related to their health management.”
Albert Lim, CEO Microlife Corporation
Microlife began in 1981, when the founder developed a digital thermometer in the laboratory, which motivated us to conduct continuous research in the field of diagnostic equipment. To this day, this thermometer remains part of our product range, which has expanded to include the entire family of home health and diagnostic products.
Year 2021
Microlife Medical Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Microlife Medical BP A7 Touch BT won the “Red Dot” Design Award
Year 2020
Microlife Medical launches new blood glucose monitor series
Year 2019
Microlife Medical launches new breast pump series
Year 2018
Microlife Medical’s non-contact forehead thermometer NC 200 won the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2018
Year 2017
Microlife Medical launches fourth-generation thermometer and nebulizer
Year 2016
Microlife Medical’s non-contact forehead thermometer NC 150 once again won the “Special Commendation” award from the German Design Council
Year 2015
Microlife Medical Blood Pressure Monitor BP A6 PC won the "Special Commendation" award at the German Design Award
Year 2013
Microlife Medical BP A6 PC won the “Red Dot” Design Award
Frost & Sullivan Award - continued support of AFIB atrial fibrillation detection
Year 2012
Microlife Medical launches third-generation blood pressure monitor, thermometer and nebulizer
Year 2010
Microlife Medical Home Solutions Japan Co., Ltd. established
Biddeford – Opened new production facility in Philippines
Year 2009
Microlife Medical Global Employees Enterprise Intelligence Consulting
Year 2008
Microlife Medical launches professional blood pressure monitor - WatchBP at ESH in Berlin
Year 2007
Microlifel Medical BPA 100 won the “Red Dot” Design Award
Year 2006
Microlife Medical receives Frost & Sullivan award for innovative and unique products
Relocation of Swiss headquarters
Year 2005
Blood pressure monitorseries products are introduced into the PAD program (for arrhythmia)
Microlife Medical sponsors the American Heart Association
Microlife Medical ranks high on the British Hypertension Society’s list of reliable blood pressure devices
Microlife Medical launches the first and only clinically tested blood pressure device to detect preeclampsia during pregnancy
Year 2002
Establishment of Microlife UK and French divisions
Swiss headquarters moved to new building
Microlife Medical acquires Biddeford Textile in the United States
Added the innovative MAM three-time average measurement mode (Microlife Averaged Mode) to the blood pressure monitor series.
Microlife Medical blood pressure equipment approved by the British Hypertension Society (BIHS)
Year 2001
Microlife Group’s initial public offering
Microlife Medical received the Upper Arm Device Award from the German Hypertension Association
Year 2000
Doctor Mike series products are officially launched on the Chinese market
Year 1998
Microlife Medical establishes new corporate image
Year 1997
Established Microlife Inc. USA
Year 1996
Establishment of Swiss Microlife AG
Year 1995
German certification RW TÜV Certification of headquarters and factories according to ISO9001 and EN46001 standards, CE certification on the basis of MDD
Year 1993
Established Microlife Medical Group
Year 1982
Won gold medals in Brussels and Taiwan for the invention of the female thermometer
Year 1981
Micro Idea Instruments Co. Ltd was founded
Other Products
全自動手腕式血壓計,適合2人同時使用,設計時尚且超薄舒適,可快速準確地透過手腕進行血壓測量。 手腕式血壓計較手臂式血壓計舒適,因臂帶充氣導致痛楚的人士較合適。 手腕式血壓計不但較便攜,在寒冷天氣的日子,使用者無需脫去很多厚衣服,就能使用手腕式血壓計,故此很多長者所選用 使用手腕式血壓計的注意事項 測量血壓前的準備及如何測量 最好每天早晚各量度一次,每天差不多同一時間量度。不要在不適、過冷過熱、焦慮、有壓力、疼痛或忍尿時量度。 量度血壓前約30分鐘,避免吸煙、進食、攝取含咖啡因飲料、運動並先上完廁所,保持心情平靜。在量血壓前,應坐在椅子上休息至少5分鐘,避免翹腳,量度是不要分心,例如談話或看電視。 使用手腕式血壓計之前,要先脫下腕錶。 手腕血壓計需要同心臟喺同一個水平才可以得出相對準確的結果。腕帶位置過低,血壓讀數會比在心臟水平的高。 使用手腕式血壓計,先將腕帶圍繞手腕綁好,讓自己能夠看見機身的按鈕及屏幕,腕帶與手掌底部之留有約1至1.5厘米距離。 佩戴好腕帶後,手掌向上並且放鬆,用另一隻手按按鈕啟動血壓計,量度血壓期間不要移動身體或說話。...